Effective base stabilization is very important for the long-term success of a paving project. A loose base that has been affected by seasonal rainfall can cause inconsistencies in the paving process. As the years go by, this can increase repair and maintenance costs on the final paved road. Certain areas of the final paved road can also become prone to... read more Ā»
Late in the summer and early fall, it is possible for dry conditions to affect many regions throughout the United States and internationally. While this might be a short-term problem, it often requires a better solution than the daily application of water by a water truck. The excessive man hours and fuel costs required to apply water to an unpaved... read more Ā»
When calcium chloride and magnesium chloride based dust control agents first came into use, they were perceived as a cost-effective alternative to water truck delivery for controlling dust on unpaved roads. After all, water trucks required extensive man hours, available water resources, and often multiple applications each week during excessively dry conditions. As time went by, these chloride-based dust control... read more Ā»
Fugitive dust particles in the air from traffic and inclement wind conditions affected an unpaved roadbed can present many hazards. Beyond the simple impairment to visibility, it can also cause the roadbed to degrade, causing damage to passing vehicles and potentially adding to maintenance costs. In the past, some road maintenance entities have turned to dust control agents like magnesium... read more Ā»
In the past, calcium chloride and magnesium chloride agents were used as dust control measures to reduce the presence of fugitive dust particles from unpaved roads. These agents came with a bevy of different problems. Their corrosive nature increased maintenance costs on storage tanks as well as application vehicles and equipment. They also have a tendency to draw local wildlife... read more Ā»
For many years, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were used in various paving applications even though they have long been known to have ecological, safety, and potential medical hazards. Over the years, this has driven many paving companies and municipalities to look for a cost-effective, ecologically friendly alternative. Through painstaking research and meticulous lab formulation, EnviRoadĀ® is proud to offer Earthbind... read more Ā»
Civil engineers, municipalities, and construction companies have long appreciated the value of soil stabilizers to secure a road bed and extend the life of an eventual paving project. At the same time, many regions also appreciate ecologically friendly solutions that can also be cost effective at stabilizing aggregate materials. This has driven EnviRoadĀ® to develop the ecologically friendly and cost-effective... read more Ā»
Agricultural operations often call for moving people and equipment over unpaved roads. As the summer heat rises, dry conditions can cause fugitive dust particles to take flight. Daily struggles with dust control drive many operations to employ the use of water trucks. This can quickly turn into a losing battle. Lost man hours, fuel costs and other road maintenance materials... read more Ā»
As you likely know, agricultural success during peak season encompasses any number of factors. At first, things like road maintenance and dust control might seem trivial. As the season goes on, washboard roads, large potholes, eroded shoulders, and fugitive dust clouds can turn into a major hassle. Assigning personnel to drive water trucks and work to repair damaged roads costs... read more Ā»
In rural and agricultural areas, spring and summer is a time of frenetic activity. Many varied types of materials need to be transported in and out of unpaved and minimum maintenance roads. As plants grow and produce fruit, equipment and harvests often need frequent moving. All of this can cause wear and tear to an unpaved roadbed. Things like washboard... read more Ā»