In the heart of the Columbia River Plateau lies Gilliam County, an area known for its beautiful rolling hills covered with picturesque golden wheat fields. Gilliam County is a rural and a sparsely populated dry land, wheat growing area located in north-central Oregon, east of the Cascade Mountains, approximately 150-miles east of Portland, Oregon. Gilliam County Road Department maintains approximately... read more »
Spring has sprung, and now is the perfect time to start putting together your dust management plan for operations such as mining, construction, industrial and city and county roads. When the projects and peak season hit hard, it often can seem easiest to stick with what you have done before. However, some traditional dust abatement methods such as using a... read more »
Whether your roads are used to transport goods, employers or equipment, you will want to ensure smooth coasting for the comfortability of your people and merchandise. Here at EnviRoad, we use biocompatible products that ensure you get well-constructed paths that are not only environmentally friendly but also friendly on your wallet. Depending on your area, the winter season may have... read more »
Earthbind®100 is a quality and environmentally-friendly biopolymer modified asphalt emulsion that is specifically engineered to be a highly-effective dust control product. Earthbind®100 is shipped in a liquid concentrated form and is diluted with water for application. For dust control, the Earthbind solution is then applied to the unpaved surface and allowed to soak in. Once the water in the Earthbind®... read more »
EnviRoad has been an innovator and manufacturer for soil stabilization and dust control products for over thirty years, drawing inspiration from providing high-quality and clean output for the environment. With the decline of logging in the '80s and increased need for clean products, our company has tested and formulated environmentally safe products. Keeping in line with ISO (International Organization for... read more »
While water may seem like an answer to dust control, it’s not the best when considering long-term solutions. Dust control is something we’ve been dealing for years, decreasing visibility and causing havoc on ecosystems when a non-environmentally friendly solution is used. It can be a nightmare for companies trying to maintain their sites and can result in high costs for... read more »
There are various ways Earthbind®100 can be used to manage fugitive dust on an active mine haul road. A common method consists of applying Earthbind® in two phases. This is generally referred to as the “base course phase” and the “maintenance phase”. To begin with, the base course phase is established. The base course phase consists of applying a topical... read more »
Earthbind® products are considered to be environmentally-friendly, bio-based modified asphalt emulsions and are designed to control fugitive dust (Earthbind® 100), stabilize road base materials (Earthbind® Stabilizer), and to recycle reclaimed asphalt pavement and alternative paving (Earthbind® EBS-RA). Background – Asphalt Cutbacks Certain asphalt cutbacks have been formally or currently (in limited use) as dust control agents. Asphalt cutbacks are formulated with... read more »
Both magnesium and calcium chloride products are used extensively in the American West for dust control and deicing purposes. Unfortunately, it has also been observed that these products can be corrosive to vehicles traveling on the treated roads. This blog will briefly describe the acceleration of aqueous corrosion of metal…mainly the rusting of steel, caused by the use of chloride... read more »
As the holidays approach, so does the snowy weather. Although the season brings thoughts of tinsel and stuffing ourselves with favorite foods, it also brings worries of weather conditions and safe roads. Roads treated with EnviRoad products weather the winter better than non-treated roads. We offer materials to help sustain and keep the roads in working condition through changes in... read more »